The Kickstarter for The Long List Anthology Volume 9 is live and the campaign is scheduled to run until April 14th. Of course full details are available at the Kickstarter page, but here’s some preliminary info to get you started:
The Hugo Awards are one of the most prominent awards in speculative fiction publishing. Nominations are cast by the fans to decide the few stories that end up on the final ballot. After the Hugo Award ceremony every year, WSFS publishes a longer list of nominated works, works that were loved by many fans who chose to use their votes on this story. The purpose of this annual anthology is to get those stories to more readers by collecting them together in a book for easy perusal, from the story categories to editor, magazine, and writer categories. The anthology is a collection of eclectic tastes, rather than from the tastes of an individual editor, and so has a more varied flavor than a typical “Best Of” anthology.
This year the anthology will be co-edited by David Steffen, Chelle Parker, and Hal Y. Zhang.
The story and author list for this volume:
庄子的梦 / “Zhuangzi’s Dream” by 曹白宇 / Cao Baiyu, translated by Stella Jiayue Zhu
“The Ng Yut Queen (The 五 月 Queen)” by Eliza Chan
“Once Upon a Time at the Oakmont” by P.A. Cornell
“How to Cook and Eat the Rich” by Sunyi Dean
“Yung Lich and the Dance of Death” by Alex Fox
“Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200” by R.S.A. Garcia
“Come In, Children” by Ai Jiang
“The Sound of Children Screaming” by Rachael K. Jones
“Day Ten Thousand” by Isabel J. Kim
“Cold Relations” by Mary Robinette Kowal
“Counting Casualties” by Yoon Ha Lee
杞忧 / “Heavens Fall” by 陆秋槎 / Lu Qiucha, translated by Hal Y. Zhang
“The Spoil Heap” by Fiona Moore
“To Sail Beyond the Botnet” by Suzanne Palmer
“Ivy, Angelica, Bay” by C.L. Polk
“Saturday’s Song” by Wole Talabi
“Six Versions of My Brother Found Under the Bridge” by Eugenia Triantafyllou
“Bad Doors” by John Wiswell
蜂鸟停在忍冬花上 / “Hummingbird, Resting on Honeysuckles” by 杨晚晴 / Yang Wanqing, translated by Jay Zhang